Kaka is Three now

All about you....
Your smile carries me a huge spirit,
Your giggle cheers me up,
Your laugh pleasures me,
Your jingling sound jollies me,
Your eyes comfort me.
Conversely....every single thing bringing you into tears and pains,
There my heart feels the same way.

Mom's not your angel or your teacher, either;
I'm nothing but you,
Allah entrusts me to an angel,
Brightening my days,
Remembering all the blessings I have,
Showing me the miracle I've created,
Truly you're my angel.
Furthermore, you teach what life is.

Go get your marvelous world, dear sweetheart.....
Be a sholihah daughter,
With a blissful and bright future,
You may be a princess as you dream,
With a kindness that won't end,
Princess Basitha, princess Qawiyah, princess Noura, or princess Elsa & Anna,
You're the real princess for me whatever happens,
You're the reason I'll always try my best,
For you're the greatest worth gift,
I'll always be your closest best friend.

Have an amazing birthday, my lovely daughter....
Plenty of countless birthday wishes I could ask,
A whole good duas have been prayed,
Wish you all the most perfect things and bless in life.

^^ Mommy ^^

Biar berefek salju, aku taburin gula salju. kaka seneng banget, dijilat2 sampe bersih saljunya :D

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