Sebelum melahirkan aku sudah menyiapkan segalanya: niat, pengetahuan, breastpump, botol kaca, dan segala printilannya sampai ikut Kelas Edukasi AIMI JATIM.
----Apa???? Menyusui sampe sekolah segala?Hahahaha......(ketawa setan)
Menyusui itu kan alamiah, bisa bisa.
Ya ampun rempong amat, tinggal jleb gitu aja kok repot.----
Mungkin masih banyak diluar sana yang beranggapan bahwa menyusui itu MUDAH.
Tapi ternyata, kalau tidak disiapkan jauh2 hari sebelumnya, itu pasti SUSAH.
Yangbilang mudah karna mungkin belum tahu manfaat luar biasa dari ASI, jadi disaat dia gagal memberikan asi karna suatu hal dai dengan gampangnya beralih pada pengganti ASI, tidak memperjuangkan. Nah, disitulah maksudku bahwa Breastfeeding needs a knowledge. It's nature as well as nurture.
So, don't ever underestimate or judge people because you're not on their shoes.
Walopun ini post amat sangat telat, but let me tell an experience of having breastfeeding my baby.
Now...as I write this post my daughter is 2 years 5months, and I'm breastfeeding her, still!
It's a long story to tell that I've ever got fail in giving my precious breast milk, in her worth first-delivery days, even.
I got stressed and frustrated since my parents and my parents-in-law pushed me to give formula milk for my daughter because my breastmilk was not leaking out. What I got in my Education Class, my printed handouts about Breastfeeding, my motive, my knowledge....suddenly all gone out by!
My Husband just felt the same, we could do nothing.
My breasts were swollen and it was so hurt.
I surrendered, then!----crying out loud, so deepest sad.
Then.....I revived. I won't ever let the drama went continuously. I tried hard to cure the swollen breast. I invited a midwife or Siloam Hospital and a lactation counselor of AIMI JATIM.
Significantly, I was able to pump....drops by drops.
Finally...say bye to formula. Only 10days.....after that my daughter was fully supported by breastmilk for one whole year long.
Until now...although she drinks UHT, too.....and still nenen to me ^_^
What a life :)
*InshaaAllah I'm gonna tell about my up&down experience in breastfeeding in another chapter.
ASI Basi saat disimpan di freezer kantor |
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