well, …. I’m back (back?? who am I? not an active blog writer!!) Hmm..more than 1 year after last post.
Life goes on (Leann Rimes 100%). It’s not as easy as I thought b4. It’s not like what I’m dreaming about, but at least I still got Him who always be there wherever I am although my sacrifices and worships are not as much as His care of me. I got changes in some parts of my life, better a bit, whatever it is just can say THANKS GOD. I’ve seldom got in touch with net, blog or other gadgets. so, when I’m going so far with them nothing big problem for me. when I got a little bit time to write this unnecessary post: I’ll try it.
Start: I’ve still lived in the same place as I arrived in Sby. I’ve applied two proposal of moving from that house in the different period but none. the whole family rejected it. they said that they needed me, cared about me, loved me and released me sincerely when I got married (Wow…it was extremely touching: made me weep a bucket of tears,hiks…hiks… plus thanks God-again!).
Cito has become bigger ‘n higher (hehe…if u follow my story from the beginning u’ll know that I was here when Cito was just a foundation- but I guess none of u follow my story- ooo…). it’s OK. So,I know how it was built.
I got main job. I converse it with my previous job. the old one became the complementary. many thins I’ve obtained. Especially laughs, joy, brotherhood, and love. It’s a boring and tiring job actually, I try to enjoy it, though. coz I need it. I’ll promise to my self that I’ll try another challenge but most all my time are spent in office: really wasting time: with rule always change, new management&rule&procedure, unclear&unfair decision, unsmooth budget flow, ‘n many unexplainable case more. Still, I found a light here to bright mine…yeah everyhing which belong to me. I add more riends in my list of mine, enrich my experience, too. One thing, I met a prince who always make me laugh & smile and be my listener..how happy I am. Once I got stuck and being so angry or sad of something I just remember him and suddenly I smile. ooooow I want it lasts ever after
At the moment, I got bored with all my duties. as my habits I try to run, take a deep breath by ignoring that they’re my duties. and this is the way we meet, by this bloody suck post. just waiting for a new desire of sharing what I want to explore here. Now, I’m just thinking what I’m gonna do next?
Posting:…..N u M b
phuffff…..jadi makin rumit, pernahkah kamu ada di posisi terpuruk trus makin terpuruk lg?,lagi dan lagi (eh, koq kayak lagunya Andra&The Backbone). udah jatuh…tertimpa tangga, tangganya tetangga-disuruh ganti pula!! pokoknya dah bener2 ancur. aq tau aq dah salah masuk k lubang itu, tp knp akal sehat tuh dah ga bisa dipake lagi. akhirnya makin runyam, sampe ada pihak yg tersakiti. padahal pihak itu ga tau kalo sebenernya aq juga sakit, jauh lebih sakit mungkin. tp aq ga punya hak untuk meminta dia mengerti sakitku ini. malahan dia yg minta aq buat ngertiin smuanya. cacian,makian, peringatan, omelan sampe teror pun akhirnya smua jadi makanan buatq. kenapa sih aq ga boleh jujur ungkapkan smuanya???? knp sih aq jujur malahan aq yg dikira bohong dan sengaja menghancurkan smuanya??? KENAPA????
sebenarnya aq pengeeeen bgt kluar dari smua ini. tp tiap aq pengen kluar-knp aq slalu ditarik lg, knp jg aq bgitu dungu bisa2nya langsung luluh&maklumin smua. padahal aq tau yg kulakukan ni smua SALAH. Mugkin kunci tuk kluar dari smua ini adalah ikhlas-rela-ridho… aq dah brusaha itu, tp hatiku ga bisa dibohongi–dan tiap aq ditarik lg-aq smakin terperosok masuk dan terjerembab sampe tak berbentuk-hancur total. tinggal nunggu apa kata waktu, will I survive? ato malah musnah tak berasa-bener2 hilang…kosong.
Sisi diriku bilang :”Give urself to God”. tp ga smudah itu, disaat aq dah brusaha tuk relain smuanya..aq ditikam lg-jauh lbh sakit-dan aq ditarik lg-ini yg jauh lebih susah kuhindari. aq slalu merasa nyaman saat berhasil ditarik, tp akibatnya ga seindah itu. very painful so much…more and more…
I just wanna SCREAM……………!!!!!!
Premiere in 2007—ngeBLOG baru: Resign.
Surabaya, Juli 30, 2007
The Director of Studies
Graha Pena 17th Floor
Jl. Ahmad Yani 88
Dear Madam,
This is to inform you that I am submitting my resignation of employment, effective two days from August 30, 2007.
I appreciate the experience Lingville has provided me, and I feel that I have fulfilled my duties to the best of my ability. However, after careful consideration, I have decided to accept a new position. I sincerely believe that this move is in the best of my career. I really appreciate your respect of my decision. I am sorry to leave, and I thank you for your support during my time in Lingville, which I have found a lot of experiences.
I wish all the best for Lingville in the future and will do my best to have all of my work in order by August 31, 2007.
Sincerely Yours,
Devy Oki A.
Hore…akhirnya posting blog jg, di taon 2007, hehe…males nulis(boro2 ngedit blog-ngecek fs aja jarang2). and I don’t know what happened to me so I’ve an interest 2 write unmeaningful writing as this. About the above thing:Whew…..it’s hard, but I’ve 2 choose the other challenge. Sebenernya gambling, but…life’s a choice. ya kan…? Oiya, sekalian berbagi ma temen2 yg mo ngopy surat pengunduran diri, boleh jg dijadiin contoh(hualah…!!). Any suggestion for me?
##################################################################Phuffff…..akhirnya nge BLOG juga, dah berbulan2 ga pernah jabanin blog. Biasa…..lagi M (males, red). Ga kerasa dah mo ganti taon, ga kerasa coz kayakx cepet bgt. Ganti taon pasti harapanx baru juga. Padahal stiap hari qta harus punya semangat&harapan baru, bukankah tiap hari adalah hari baru? Jadi sebenernya taon baru tuh bukan hal yg special. Cuma….dah biasa aja dirayain hampir 7/8 penduduk dunia. Ga da salahx sih, asal ga anarkis aja!
Kalo inget2 taon 2006, hmm….ada yg datang pasti ada jg yang pergi. Ga banyak yg bisa kerekam di otakq kejadian apa aja, apa karna ga bnyak yg special ato emang otakq ga cukup nampung memories yg biasa2 aja. Yg aq inget…Januari dah slese UAS, persiapan ngajuin Thesis Title. February ngajuin…Wah…bener2 perjuangan, sampe dapet acd-advisor yg SUPER BAIK & yg AGAK BAIK (tp akhirnya BAIK BGT!!!). up ‘n down deh… akhirnya dg tertatih2 baru bisa di-approve dari segi title aja! Bulan Maret yg aq inget; aq jagain temenq yg sakit DB di RS. 3 hari deh kayakx. Dan besoknya badanq panass…trus after seeing da doctor aq digiring ke klinik laboratorium buat cek darah…dan hasilx: THYPUS. Hah…mampus aq!!!! Aq kekeh ga mau rawat inap, enak aja!!malu donk ma ortuq. Terbaring tak berdaya…
Proposal seminarq maju 1APRIL, lega deh. Dan yg paling seneng dpt black forest di 12am yg bikin mo nangis(jd inget Mom). Hari2 brikutx yah pusing berkelut ma papers 4 thesis. 2006 ini aq bisa passing the thesis exam, ALHAMDULILLAH…. Thanks God I found YOU!!! Trus aq bisa celebrate graduation although not all of my colleages. Dari yg pait, manis, hambar, seneng, sedih smua ada di 2006. dari mulai aq naksir man yg GA BENER sampe yg bener2 BENER dan akhirx terpanah cupid man yg SEMOGA BENER. Dari yg dibentak, diketawain sampe disayang, diperhatiin dan dimanja. Dari yg dah ngrasain kerja walau biasa aja sampe akhirx dilepas coz milih pindah (hidup ini emang pilihan coy!). dan yg paling bikin seneng aq bisa bilang k aq sendiri “WELCOME HOME YOU…“ aq bisa lebaran di rumah Cinta Manis kumpul ma kluarga..komplit..setelah terakhir bisa kumpul komplit di lebaran 2002. dan sekarang…di tempat aq typing this blog, tiap hari adalah pemandangan kerangka&pondasi CITO yg katax Juli07 dah mulai beroperasi. Banyak hal yg bisa qta ambil, tergantung sudut pandang our mind&heart.Well, everything may change. We’re able to change what we want with our hope, spirit and bravery. We don’t know what’ll happen in da future but don’t stop to keep ur strength. May all our dreams come true….. thanks anyway. HAPPY IDUL ADHA 1427 H. ‘n…
HappY New YEaR 4 u who celebrate it.
kayaknya bakat jd penulis lepas neh….
ekspresikan aj goresanmu ke buletin mana gitu…kan bs dibaca smua orang…..tp yang bagus ya…..q support kamu!!
makanya klo orang dah kena penyakit typus…laen kali maem jgn telat…..,,,sring sibuk ya???
okle dech…sukses aj buat OQ manies ya…smoga di taon 2007
kmu tambah sukses aja…..
duh..yang udah kelar kuliah. semangat..semangat..semangat..
Memories of 17 Agustus
MERDEKA……..!!!!!!!! Apa seh makna hari kemerdekaan menurut kamu??Tiap tanggal 17 Agustus adaaaa aja yg hilang dan berganti, tapi masih ad yg lum bisa ilang sejak aku SD ampe skr, ga tau mulai kelas brp, tp yg pasti ga akn pernah terlewat adalah cita2 pengen jadi Paskibraka. Hoho…cita2 yg ga pernah bisa kesampean dan ga akan pernah kesampean. Emmm…..jd pengen kilas balik ke 17 agustus yg kemaren3 beserta sgala kegiatan pra ‘n pasca’nya..
* 17 Agustus 1945- 17 Agustus 1983=> aku lum lahir
* 17 Agustus 1984- 17 Agustus 1991=>dah lahir, merangkak..jalan…. skul TK, trs SD, trs lupaa ngapain aja pra ‘n pasca 17Agsts, ga da karnaval deh.
* 17 Agustus 1992=> dah mulai inget….aku dah SD, Aku mulai ikut upacara 17an yg diadain pabrik t4 papaku kerja. Rumahku jg di komplek situ, jadi isinya ya org2 yg kerja di situ. Upacaranya di gedung putih kantor utama Administraturnya. Yg jd peserta upacara ya hampir 1 komplek: ayah2 yg kerja dsitu, ibu2 Darma Wanita, anak2 SD kls 5&6 Cinta Manis+SMP Cinta Manis(di komplekku ga da SMA). Disitu aku nerima piagam+hadiah(baca:uang) bintang pelajar u/ kls 1SD, brarti aku tuh klas 2. Pulangnya ikut lomba2 di RTku.
* 17 Agustus 1993- 17 Agustus 1995=>msh te2p ada lomba2 d RT. Eh, aku pernah menang lomba makan krupuk juara 1, lupa klas brp. Trs jg pernah juara3 lomba masukin pensil dalam botol, kalah lomba kelereng, kalah lomba masukin benang k jarum, kalah juga lomba balap karung, kalah lg lomba pecah air. Udah ah..kalah mlulu…
Aku te2p ikut ayah (ce’ile..ayah..) upacara 17an d gedung putih. Te2p juga dapat piagam+hadiah berturut2 sampe kelas 5 (ghaya….Huekkk!!!!) ga papa kan …buat ayahku (ayah lagi…) bangga.
Kan nama ortunya disebut ma MCnya (gubraaak…!!!!!!!). Nah…dari sini mulai timbul bibit pengen jadi pengibar bendera, gara2 liat pasukan putih2 di upacara 17an pabrik itu.
Di komplekku ga da karnaval, tp slalu ada sepeda santai+bazaar.
Di SD aku ikut gerak jalan indah 2 tahun, trus kalo upacara bendera mingguan slalu jadi pengibar bendera.
* 17 Agustus 1996- 17 Agustus 1998=>aku dah SMP deh kayaknya, masih ikut upcara di pabrik, yah dapet lagi u/ kelas 6. msh ikut lomba2 di RT tapi yg u/ SMP, ga menang deh, trus syukuran di RT jg ada. Kakakq yg cowok jadi pasukan 8 di upacara 17an di TRA.
Aku ga skul di komplek,tp SMP d luar komplek, lumayan jauh. Dsitu ada karnaval, aku pake baju ibu dokter. Di deket skul-q slalu ada lomba bidar (dayung khas Sumsel, red), tp ga pernah nonton. Coz dipesenin ga boleh deket2 sungai, hehe….ya nurut aja.
Mulai SMP klas 2 sampe SMA aku ga pernah ikut upacara di pabrik. Jadi slalu diwakilin ma papaku or mamaku. Kls 2 SMP aku masuk group Oubade (paduan suara) u/ upacara 17an d kcamatan. Wah..seneeeeng deh masuk group itu, dapet lagu2 kebangsaan yg aneh2(lho…???). Gabungan ma Oubade SMA 1 TRA. Yg SMP 1 TRA suara 2, yg SMA suara 1.
Susah jd suara dua, tapi itu yg milih malah guru SMP, malah SMP yg jd suara dua. Mulai ga ikut plajaran gara2 ikut latihan Oubade, bisa cuci mata ke SMA 1 TRA, hihi…
Pas hari-H…wow……paskibranya…ck…ck…ck… jadi pengeen…. Kali ini kakakku yg cewek ikut, ia masuk ke pasukan 17.
Di SMP aku juga ikut gerak jalan, klas brp ya…. lupa, pokoknya cuma ikut satu kali. 3kali ikut karnaval, pas klas dua pake baju olahraga tennis, klas tiga baju wisuda.
Di SMP itu aku ikut extra Paskibra 3 tahun, hbs….seneng seh…
* 17 Agustus 1999=> aq SMA di luar lg, wah….seneeeng deh…ikut Paskibra di TRA. Pas seleksi..aku masuk pasukan 8 dan jadi pembawa bendera… SMAku 4 org, ‘n SMA laen 4 org. wah…..seneeeeeeeeng bgt, tapi deg2an. Di karantina 17 hari, jadinya ga skul. Oleh2nya legam (baca:hitam) sampe skr, hehe…. Rambutku harus dipotong pendek, busyet deh…..itu potongan terpendek seumur hidup, gpp deh demi…..
Pas hari-H, yg paling deg2an pas liat bendera mo dibuka, jangan sampe terbalik (sampe mejem mataku), alhamdulillah…sukses. Wuih……seleseinya itu kita renungan plus cium bendera…Nah….di situ aku nangis nyium bendera, ternyata aku WNI asli, tulen, indigenous 100%!!!!!!!!!! Kalo upacara penaikannya aja sukses, pasti PD donk upacara penurunannya…Yo’i…..
Kita ga ikut karnaval, anak2 Paskibra ga boleh ikut.
* 17 Agustus 2000-2001=> Ikut upacara SMA d luar, ga pernah ikut di pabrik lg. Aku ikut lg extra Paskibara 3 taon d SMA. Aku ga ikut seleksi Paskibara u/ propinsi, apalagi u/ nasional(huh….Cuma mimpi…..). wktu seleksi itu crash ma temenku yg sakit, aku jenguk dia…. Bingung sih…akhirnya kulepas…Aku dimarahi senior2ku. Yah….life’s is a choice. Taon ni baru ikut karnaval, aku pake baju Pecinta Alam trus taon brikutnya Pramuka (biar bisa nyantei kemana2). Pas kelas 2 SMA ikut gerak jalan juga. Tapi pas karnaval pake baju Pramuka itu aq ga ikut jalan, hehe….coz aq malah kabur dari barisan trus nganter cowokku mo brkt begawe ke Tangerang, kan pertemuan terakhir…
* 17 Agustus 2002-sekarang=> la…..kan dah masuk pulau jawa, masuk jember…..ga pernah lg deh upacara2an, cuma satu yg ga berubah…pengeeen bisa jadi Paskibaraka, tp yg kesampean Cuma jd Paskibra. Hiks…hiks….hiks… Makanya ngliat upcara di istana negara itu (liat d TV of course..) jd ritual tahunan tiap 17an. Duluuu…..dari SD sampe2 sering latihan naek tangga gedung Pertemuan Cinta Manis hanya karena pengen jadi cewek yg bawa bendera dari Presiden. Sampe sekarang lho… (ga koq…kadang2 aja kalo pas naek tangga masjid).
…….The End…..####################################################################
Dear blog,
perhaps….those words will come out from ur mouth if u were me. But I think it’s better 4 u saying Astaghfirullah….instead.
What a fool dwarf!!!! How disappointed I am!! What should u do if u got very bad matter from the ones u honor (read: teachers 4 ex.)???. U’r not regarded as the one who tries ur best 2 do that matters, at least………a piece of effort.
I do realize that I ‘ve made my parents disappointed deeply. What should I do? Do I have a chance 2 revise it? I can’t stand 2 be here anymore. Take me home 2 da very bloody amazing side of this world……………
All I want 2 do is telling to my Mom, but I don’t have a heart 2 hurt her. I do need her so much.
Later……..’a half part of me’ said : “No, don’t do it!! U still have me 2 lay ur hand on me! And I’ll give my shoulders 2 cry on! I’ll stand by u.”
So…………………………I haven’t told my Mom yet, nor has my Dad.
“”””I open my eyes
I try to see but Im blinded by the white lies
I cant remember how
I cant remember why
I’m lying here tonight
And I cant stand the pain
And I cant make it go away
How could this happen to me
Ive made my mistake
Ive got nowhere to run
Im sick of this life
I just wanna scream: HOW COULD THIS HAPPEN TO ME??????
Everybodys screaming
I try to make a sound but no one hears me
And I cant explain what happened
And I cant erase the things that Ive done “”””””
———(Untitled, Simple Plan)…..
umm….i know how ya feel. sometimes we just wanna scream out n mocking life we had. but u’re the toughest_is it da correct vocab? :)_girl i’ve ever know. do you remember one afternoon i told u i wanna take a pause and give up my life (read:study), u showered me lots of comforting and advising words for me not to give up…
take a breath, honey
take a breath and rest
u’ll find that the sun will still sun tomorrow
after all u’ve still got friends who’ll gladly lent shoulders to… on
we’ll be there
i’ll be there
as what friends are for
VOICES FROM THE FIFA WORLD CUP 2006, An Album with Bloody Amazing Voices!
VOICES FROM THE FIFA WORLD CUP adalah album yg bertema sportifitas ‘n semangat optimisme dari ajang Sepak Bola Piala Dunia.
featuring: Sheila On 7 Il Divo and Toni Braxton Lagu ini ditulis oleh komponis Swedia, Jorgen Eloffson. Pemilihan Il Divo sebagai penyanyi yang membawakan official song ini tepat bgt, coz saat ini Il Divo yg beranggotakan Sebastien Izambard, Carlos Marin, David Miller dan Urs Buhler, menjadi icon di jagad musik dunia melalui ramuan musik fusion antara musik klasik dan pop. Herbert Grõnemeyer + Amadou & Mariam Sebagai tuan rumah, Jerman juga menyertakan penyanyi kawakannya, Herbert Groenemeyer, membawakan lagu "Celebrate The Day", sebuah Official Anthem, yang dibesut megah bgt dalam irama world music. Duo penyanyi asal Africa, Amadou & Mariam yang pernah masuk nominasi Grammy tampil sebagai bintang tamu lho…
(Indonesian Official Song FIFA World Cup 2006)
"The Time of Our Lives"
(Official Song FIFA World Cup 2006)
"Celebrate The Day" ("Zeit, dass sich was dreht")
(FIFA World Cup 2006 Official Anthem)
Il Divo ‘n Herbert Groenemeyer akan tampil pada The Opening Ceremony of FIFA World Cup di Munich pada 9 Juni 2006.
album ini juga disemarakkan oleh performance artis papan atas, —>Shakira bawain single terbarunya yang energik. Beragam lagu dari penyanyi lintas generasi juga hadir–>dari generasi lama seperti Elvis Presley, Billy Joel, Barbra Streisand. Kalo dari angkatan 80-an adar George Michael, Whitney Houston, Elton John. –sampe penyanyi angkatan muda, i.e. Westlife ‘n Kelly Clarkson.
“”Maybe it’s intuition
But some things you just don’t question
Like in your eyes
I see my future in an instant
and there it goes
I think I’ve found my best friend
I know that it might sound more than
a little crazy but I believe
I knew I loved you before I met you There’s just no rhyme or reason
I think I dreamed you into life
I knew I loved you before I met you
I have been waiting all my life
only this sense of completion
and in your eyes
I see the missing pieces
I’m searching for
I think I found my way home
I know that it might sound more than
a little crazy but I believe
A thousand angels dance around you
I am complete now that I found you””
( Savage Garden, ‘Affirmation, 2000’)
Au secours……………..!!!!!!!!!!!!
I don’t know what I feel, but it’s true. I love someone whom I haven’t ever met, since the first time I know him. Nice to know him. I know him by accident. Why do I feel this???? So crazy, but I believe.
I realize that he has no likewise what I feel. I’m sure that he won’t love me coz I realize who I am. I am nothing. In the other hand, he is so perfect, a perfectionist one.
Quotation from a lyric of an Indonesian song:
“siapalah aku ini, patutkah kubermimpi…”
I think the best title is I knew I love him without I met him. Coz I think that he won’t ever have a curiosity to meet me.
NB: he refers to………………………………
###############################################################Kunci Sukses Anda
Andaikan Anda tak mungkin menjadi puncak cemara di puncak bukit sana
Jadilah saja perdu di lembah
Perdu yang terbaik di sisi bukit
Biarlah jadi belukar, bila tak mungkin jadi pohon
Andai tak mungkin jadi perdu, jadilah rumput
Hiasi jalan raya;
Bila tak mungkin jadi tumbuhan rumput sedap
Jadilah serat berguna,
Tapi serat terkuat di tepi danau
Tidak semua kita jadi nahkoda, siapa lagi awak
Setiap orang mempunyai peran
Ada tugas besar,
Ada tugas kecil
Tugas kita masing-masing adalah yang terdekat
Bila tak mungkin jalan tol, jadilah anda jalan setapak
Bial tak mungkin mentari, jadilah anda bintang
Berhasil atau gagal bukan ukuran
Apapun jua, jadilah YANG TERBAIK
~~Douglas Malloch~~
`Metro Copy Centre,jl.jawa-Jember, da first day on April, 2006`
Pas lagi nunggu fotocopy-an koq lamaaaaa bgt, eh ada tulisan itu di dinding …hmmmmm…it’s worth for musing….., isn’t it?
To My Mom on march27, 2006
I really love my mom, and I Never will forget her,
And all the things she does for me,
Like making me feel better,
Like when she buys me lots of stuff,
A raincoat or a sweater,
Or when she takes time from her work
So we can play together.
Sometimes when I’m feeling sad,
She makes me glad again,
With just a little kiss-and-hug
That takes away all pain.
So happy birthday, Mom! I want
This day to be for you,
For everything you are to me
And all the things you do.
HAPPY BIRTHDAY! —–(explorelove)
Well, 27 maret,12 am, aq telp Mom but sibuk, wah…keduluan sodara2ku neh… 20menit ga diangkat2 ya udah deh, aq bo2k. trus telp besok paginya….. Moga2 semua harapan tercapai ya Ma….. Insta 4JJ1 anakmu yg bandel ni bakal pulang Agustus or Lebaran, pffff…..I Do miss Cinta Manis so much, especially you….I miss your warm hug!!! (hiks…hiks….hiks…)
Happy birthday, Mother…… Even though you might prefer life without these markers, each too public to defer. Now that you are forty nine, Sing to us your own sweet song, That we might celebrate your life….rejoicing all night long. Each of us has love to bring, each a special song to sing…. To lose your heart among.
oooo……..tanteku ultah to(ye..ngaku2)
yo wes, sampein slamat ulang tahun buat ibunda yak.
Smoga sabar menghadapi anak gadisnya yg ‘bandel’. sory lho Q. ;))))
Kapan2 aku melok ke Sumatra yak.
Hey You….did you ever feel that you’re……
Hey You….did you ever feel that you’re Forever in Love with someone special? Ready or not it certainly happens to you. When you feel that, it seems Like a Rose; Someone gives you room to grow, shines the light of love on you, and gives you air so you can breathe. Everytime you wake up from your sleep you will remember who are you now. You will feel a place, a Heaven by Your Side. If you have a problem, someone you love is Still Around to help you. The one thing that you’re Scared of is losing hold of him/her. But…Take on Me, it is not like tht forever. You will realize that you’re Living the Dream.
Too Bad Baby, everything was a lie when you realize that you are betrayed by someone. You don’t feel happiness No More. I wonder Why this often happens to everyone. If that happens to me, I think I’ll Take the Tears. It’s like Walking in the Rain by yourself. If Only we show ane another that we all need each other, we can live as One in Love. However, it doesn’t mean that we have Nothing but Trouble for us. I know it well, you are the Same Old Brand New You.
I never feel a true love. It doesn’t matter. I Still Believe that it is not the important thing in the world. The Things We Never Did is to know what is love. Love doesn’t mean a connection with someone special. We can Celebrate our Love and give our love to all of our friends, parents, briothers, and sisters. We have a chance, One More Try, to start a new life. We can feel happiness with all the people around us. Be the First to Believe it. Enjoy your life for now, Tomorrow and forever. Summertime of Our Lives will be full of fun.
~~July 2001~~ The bold&bigger letters are taken from the song titles of the 1st&2nd album of a1(Here We Come&The A List)~~
~~hihihi….aq ngarang ini duluuuuuu bgt pas lagi gila2nya ma a1. Skr malah ga respek lagi!!! Maklum lah…dulu kan masih ABG->Anak Baru Gila. Karangan ini kutunjukin ke guru Englishku (dia gaul bo!), eh, aq malah dihadiahi sebuah karangan lagi versi dia yang juga ada judul2 lagu a1 juga. Hemmm….seneng deh waktu itu. Aq nemuin tulisanku ini masih tersimpan dg rapi di binder yg isinya juga foto2+biadata+artikel a1(hihi….jadi malu….).eits…skr ga lgi koq…Dah Gede!!!!!
Nih dia nih karangan guru Englishku buat aq :
Hey you, my best friends, Be the First to Believe that one who used to treat me Like A rose is Nothing But trouble to my life. I wonder Why she is so Scared to face Tomorrow with me, Living the Dream that we once pledged as One in Love.
I remembered that it felt like Heaven by Your Side baby Everytime she said that we would be Forever in Love, Celebrate Our Love, in each moments we have. But, Too Bad Baby, she would not Take On Me, made up The Things We Never Did and at the end I’ll Take the Tears.
Anyhow, I Still believe that we could give our love One More Try, If Only she is Still Around, Walking in the Rain and storms together with me. But She doesn’t See Me. Baby, you are still the Same Old Brand New You.
So, I decided that I don’t want her No More. Ready or Not I will face the Summertime of Our Lives with my best friends. Together we will reach the a1, the highest achievement for our youth life.
############################################################He Hasn’t Ever Loved Me —- a rebellion of heart
He Hasn’t Ever Loved Me
It was so cheerful
He offered me his affection
Ensured me about his words
Cured me from my previous wounds
Gave me a new hope
It was so blue
Dark, gloomy and painful
Only tears drop
When he left away
Without anything said
Without caring about what I feel
He hurt me so deep
Left an everlasting sorrow
With no feeling guilty
I realize he hasn’t ever loved me
And won’t ever love me
No, I don’t blame him
Still, he is in my heart
~~Phuhu…..January 2006~~ Aq pengen dapet hadiah lagi dari KISS FM Februari ini, makanya aq buat kata2 itu. Dah dipaksa2-in buat…eehh….malah ga ada lagi session untuk buat hasta karya menarik+poem. Yah…..padahal aq dah siap2 mo buat hasta karya yg unik+kreatif (sapa tau dibacain&syukur2 menang lagi!!!!), yah….apa boleh buat. Yang ada skr, KISS FM lagi ada acara The Glorious V________ with Smile Up. Itu tentang penembakan someone, trus juga make over+dinner. Ga ada lagi penerimaan hasta karya kayak taon2 kemaren. Gpp deh….. ;)) ~~~
#################################################################KUNCI ZUHUD
Aku tahu, rizkiku tak mungkin diambil orang lain,
Karenanya hatiku tenang.
Aku tahu, amal-amalku tak mungmkin dilakukan orang lain.
Maka aku sibukkan diriku untuk beramal.
Aku tahu, Allah selalu melihatku.
Karenanya, aku malu bila Allah mendapatiku melakukan maksiat.
Aku tahu, kematian menantiku.
Maka kupersiapkan bekal untuk berjumpa dengan Rabbku.
—-(Hasan al-Basri)
########################################################Antologi Untaian kata2 yang pernah tertulis oleh OQ
Tuesday January 24th 2006, 2:35 pm
The Depth
So deep….
A well is nothing at all
The bottom of your heart can’t be touched
Million words is not able to utter
Dozens of bouquets have no capability
Hugs and kisses don’t afford to express
The wealth can’t cure
Prayers of adoration are still less
Thoughtful poems have been never enough in uncovering
The ocean may come on top
How deep is your affection for your Mom?
—-Dedicated to my MomàI love you even more!!!!!!!!!!!!!, January 2005——-
Eh, gara2 aq kirim kata2 itu di radio KISS 96,2 FM pas bulan Februari 2005 aq dapet bingkisan cantik dari sponsor,banyak nian,hahahaa….seneeeng deh. Februari 2004 aq juga dapet lagi, tapi hadiahnya bingkisan plus kencan bareng penyiar2 KISS pas 14 Februari 2004, asyik bo! Unfortunately, I forgot what was the lucky poem, ga dicopy sih, langsung kirim, aq terpaksa buat…coz pengen win date with the DJs, hihihi…..—–
Confession of a Broken Heart
Untitled 1
Aku kosong
Aku hampa
Aku senyap
Aku terhempas
Aku terbuang
Aku terasing
Semua kabur
Semua pergi
Semua lari tak peduli
Tinggalkan perih
Titipkan rintih
Torehkan noda
Di mana kasih?
Di mana rasa?
Di mana simpati?
Bilakah semua itu tak melaju?
Untitled 2
Aku pernah dibuat terbang
Mengangkasa karna rasa
Ditemani berpuluh kegirangan
Aku pernah tersanjung
Di hadapan kata yang menyejukkan
Memasuki ruang yang kuanggap kasih
Aku pernah dilanda nyaman
Kala bersahabatkan zat itu
Tanpa ragu mencurahkan peluh
Ketika segala musnah
Atmosfer tersulap
Terlepas tulus atau iba
Setidaknya aku pernah merasa jadi perempuan
Untitled 3
Dingin menyudutkan ego
Cuek jadi pemenang
Sewot dikedepankan
Gengsi mengakui rasa
Mengingkari hati yang memberontak
Tak rajin menyapa
Persentasi tak peduli membengkak
Tak mampu menghapus air mata
Menanamkan harapan semu
Menyebar kata usang
Kebaikan bertahan temporer
Tertawa di atas isakan
Diam, cuek, dingin, tak peduli, angkuh
Semua itu bukan sayang
—2005, Trilpe merde!!!!!!!!! Confession of a Broken Heart adalah untaian kata2 yang sempat terbesit in my mind when I was hurt, hiks…hiks…hiks…… sakiiiiiit. Quelle horreur…..Au secours…. Tapi whatever lah….. Life must go on, setuju!!!!!!!!!!!!!!????———
My Self and I
I share my laughter
Jump up and down merrily
Show off my joy
The moment my heart fly around
such blissfulnesss is emitted from your light
When the sky falls down on me
to be trapped by a strong storm
Feel I’m on the wrong track
A very great wall crumbles
I find I always stumble through
The wounds crawl covering my blood circulation
Suddenly you release your arms
give strength to carry on
Provide me air so I’m able to breathe
Send a star for sparkling future
"Revive, Learn to fly!"
I won’t ever let you weep buckets of tears", you said
—–December 2004, Dedicated for me. Nah……..kalo ini dibuat gara2 terpaksa kumpul tugas u/ UAS for Poetry 1 in fifth semester. Tentang aku dan aku( yup, aq merasa diriku dua: aq dan aq di dalam 1 tubuh)—mmmm… Am I grazy????? I don’t think so… Qu’est ce que le point?????? Dideklamasikan pas UAS lho………….. Alhamdulillah……I got “A”….:) Very Big Thanx for my lecture:Mr.Eko ——–
Perfectamando………..jadi….intinya….boleh dibilang untaian kata2 itu dibuat karna terpaksa ya???
1 Comment
waaaaaaaaaah keren….
dasar anak kesenian, puisinya bagus2 loh qi, asyik banget baca blog-mu. ajarin cara buat blog yang bagus dong….
tetp semngat dengan skripsinya ya….
~all these old posts are taken from http://whew-hmm.blog.friendster.com~
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